They say the journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step. And your path or journey will unfold, and flourish exactly as intended. That is the way of the Dao. Everyone's path is unique to your individual lessons in this incarnation. I believe our lessons are provided to teach and challenge us and provide opportunities to become a more virtuous being. And it's a path I personally struggle with on a daily basis. My ego and emotions get in the way most of the time due to the fact that I'm unaware of how my emotions and ego crop into my daily thoughts. I am just becoming aware and finally seeing or waking up to my emotions, my ego, my gifts, and my spirit; and how this Dance of Life unfolds.
They also say that "When the students ready, the teacher will appear." It seems that I wasn't ready till 2004 when a chronic back injury led me down the rabbit hole of Classical Chinese Medicine. And in so doing I have had the honor and privilege of studying with several masters or keepers of the knowledge.
Master Jeffrey C Yuen

88th generation Daoist priest from the Jade Purity School, Lao Tzu sect, and a 26th generation priest of the Complete Reality School, Dragon Gate sect. He apprenticed for more than 20 years in Classical Chinese Medicine and other Daoist healing arts with Master Yu Wen, who transmitted his lineage to Master Yuen before Master Yu Wen’s death at the age of 108. He also studied under the direct tutelage of Lu Xin-Zu, a Daoist priest of the Long Men tradition.
Master Yuen was a key figure in the development of the acupuncture program at the Swedish Institute in New York and the first Ph.D. program in the field of Classical Chinese Medicine at the American University of Complementary Medicine in Los Angeles. He is recognized internationally as a Master of acupuncture, Classical Chinese Medicine, Daoism, Chinese herbology, Tai Chi Chuan, and Qi Gong. He emphasizes the importance of Daoism in cultivating one’s life and spirit to prevent illness, and the use of Chinese medicine for understanding and treating illness.
Master Zhong Xian Wu
Master Zhongxian Wu, a lifelong Daoist practitioner, is author of 15 books (5 in Chinese) on Chinese wisdom traditions. He teaches: Chinese Astrology, CHADAO (The Dao of Tea), Fengshui, Guqin Music, Qi Healing, Sound Healing, Talisman Calligraphy, Yijing Divination
WuDang LongMen Pai 武当龙门派 (18th generation Mt. WuDang Dragon Gate tradition)
EMei ZhenGong 峨眉 真功 (8th generation Mt. EMei Shamanic tradition)
DaiShi XinYi Quan 戴氏心意拳 (7th generation Dai Family Heart-Mind internal martial arts tradition)
YinXian Taiji 隱仙太极 (12th generation Hidden Immortal Lineage tradition)
Dr. Heiner Fruehauf
Prof. Fruehauf studied sinology, philosophy, and comparative literature at Tübingen University, Fudan University (Shanghai), Hamburg University, Waseda University (Tokyo), and the University of Chicago, where he earned a doctoral degree from the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations in 1990.
While completing two years of post-doctoral training at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he was mentored by Deng Zhongjia, one of China’s primary experts in the field of formula studies and the classical foundations of Chinese medicine. In addition, he sought out the classical roots of Chinese medicine outside the institutionalized TCM setting: Daoist medicine and Jinjing Qigong with Wang Qingyu; Shanghan lun pulse diagnosis with Zeng Rongxiu; Sichuan Daoism with Wang Chunwu; and traditional Sichuan folk art and music with Wang Huade. Since 1992, he has published widely on both the theoretical and clinical aspects of Chinese medicine.
Master Wudang Chen, Yun Xiang Tseng
Daoist Master Wu Dang Chen
He was chosen as a child to be trained by 5 elder Daoist Masters in the sacred Wu Dang Temples. Traditional Daoism of Wu Dang is ancient knowledge and mystical practice based on thousands of years of observation of the universe and our true nature within it. Through intensive training in a harsh environment, Chen learned the skills to master mind, body, and spirit. He holds two sacred lineages of knowledge, Long Men Pai (Dragon’s Gate) and Zhang San Feng Pai. Master Chen came to the United States in 1990 with a mission to teach Daoist practical philosophies to empower us in the West to heal our bodies, our minds, our environment, and our spirit.
Master Li Jun Feng
Study in Beijing University of Physical Education
Coach of Wushu of Beijing Shishahai Sports School
Head Coach of Beijing Wushu Team. During this period, he was appointed seven times as Head Coach of China National Wushu Team in participating international competitions and performances. The athletes he trained have won nearly 100 golden medals in formal national competitions and 15 golden medals in international competitions. Beijing Wushu Team won National Team Championship for 12 consecutive years from 1974 to 1985.
Professor at the Institute of Chinese Qigong
Chief Coach of Philippines National Wushu Team. His athletes won 25 medals in international competitions.
Commissioner of China Wushu Association; Vice Director of Coach Committee of China Wushu Association; Councilor of China Wushu Society.
Vice Secretary-general of Beijing Wushu Association.
President of International Sheng Zhen Society
Qigong Instructor in Academy of Oriental Medicine at Austin, U.S.A.
Chief Judge at the United States Martial Arts competition.
Councilor of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong and advisor to the Qigong Science Research Association of China.
Ann Cecil-Sterman
Ann Cecil-Sterman is a well-known acupuncturist, teacher, and author of several best-selling Chinese Medicine texts required in many acupuncture schools: Advanced Acupuncture A Clinic Manual, The Art of Pulse Diagnosis, Tongue Diagnosis, and Illustrations of the Complete Acupuncture System. Her newest book is for the general public, Becoming Healthy, Staying Healthy. Every year she teaches to students on five continents and six-month live video immersion program in the channels that are used in acupuncture—not only to experienced and new acupuncturists but also to non-acupuncturists eager to learn and practice the essence of ancient Chinese healing. She also travels to four continents to give live teachings. She was a senior clinic supervisor and for many years taught Advanced Clinical Observation and at the school of acupuncture in New York founded in 1997 by the 88th generation of the Daoist Jade Purity sect—the great master Jeffrey Yuen—who was her teacher for over twenty years. Patients have come from all over the world to visit her busy private practice to work through illness or on personal cultivation. Ann was a full time professional, classically trained musician prior to her acupuncture training. She appears on many recordings and has toured three continents with the Philip Glass Ensemble among other illustrious musicians. Ann also paints in a unique style, depicting pulses at the wrist and physiology through a Chinese medical lens, and was recently invited to give a lecture about her paintings to students, staff and alumni at the School at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Andrew Sterman
After repeated childhood incidences of what some may call mystical experiences, Andrew began searching for the ground of such experience by studying deeply in music and art, meditation, philosophy-psychology, tai chi, qigong, and in classical Chinese medicine. Perhaps because he found the ground of experience in all of these, without disappointment, Andrew’s teaching style is to welcome people as they are, and inspire everyone to use new or growing practices in diet, qigong, or spirit work to overcome blockages without self-judgment. We don’t need to become “better” people, we just need to live with true ease. The way to personal and social healing is through life’s essentials: eating, breathing, moving, and cultivating our perception. The details we can all learn; the essence is a feeling.
Lee Holden
Lee Holden is an accomplished qigong instructor, Chinese medical practitioner, writer. He has studied extensively with Master Montak Chia and is the author and producer of various qigong videos.
Seated and Standing Qigong for beginners as well as advanced students. He has numerous on-line instructional videos and classes.
Iron Shirt Qigong
Eight Pieces of the Silk Brocade
Blue Dragon Qigong
Self-Healing Qigong
Microcosmic Orbit Qigong
Will Scott
I am a 20-year student of Master Jeffrey C. Yuen, a graduate of Maryland University of Integrative Health/TAI SOPHIA, a student of Master Li Jun Feng, Master Wudang Chen, Master Zhong Xian Wu, Dr. Heiner Fruehauf, Ann Cecil Sterman, Andrew Sterman and continue my studies with all my masters and teachers.
For close to twenty years, I have encountered many teachers along my path. I have been blessed with all my master's and all my lessons. How else could it be? Self-cultivation is one of the most important aspects of being a good practitioner. Self-cultivation yields a focused intention when providing energetic healing at a level or vibration capable of opening the channels and curing all disease.
I am a self-cultivated Channel Practitioner of an ancient oral lineage that has been abandoned through government mandate and modern marketing of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and "Dry Needling". Some of the most important Channels in Classical Chinese Medicine are not being taught properly if they are taught at all in current acupuncture programs. The transmission and use of these channels are drastically needed for the treatment or chronic degenerative diseases and the evolution of the medicine.
Master Jeffrey Yuen has stated that in order for the medicine to evolve with the new diseases, all the knowledge has to be transmitted to every student that appears. I believe that will produce the ripple effect needed in this time of disease and uncertainty.
I encourage everyone to seek your master's and embrace your journey. Thank you, for this brief opportunity to share the possibilities and may our paths cross in this dance of life.
Respectfully yours,
Will Scott
Channel Practitioner Classical Chinese Medicine.