Qigong is said to be the mother of Tai Ji (Tai Chi) and was originally called Dao Yin. Dao Yin exercises are routines to stimulate meridian channels and points as well as open the orifices and gather, transform and utilize qi or energy for increased health, balance, self-awareness, and life force.
The three important components in qigong are: Breath, Posture and Intention. Breathing is the first and last thing we do in this incarnation. Our first breath and our separation from our birth mother is when we start to use our given Jing and Essence. The Jing is very similar to your DNA and houses your original blueprint or path for this incarnation. I like to look at it as your original savings account that you inherited from your parents and the cosmos at the moment of conception. Depending on how healthy your parents were at the time of conception adds to the size of your original savings account.
As we start to live outside the womb, we start to slowly draw on our original savings account. The energy or qi required is generated through the conversion of Jing/essence. It is housed in the kidneys where the spirit is known as the Zhi or Will. Between the two kidneys, is what is known as the Gate of Life. It's directly behind the naval.
There are three energy centers which corelate to the three treasures: Jing/Qi/Shen. Jing is your essence and contains the blueprint of your life. Qi is the energy needed to fulfill your blueprint in this life and Shen is the spirit of the heart.
Our breath is what fans the fire of the Gate of Life and aids in the metabolic processes of the body such as digestion, absorption and elimination, of food and grain which is transformed into qi and blood or the mediumship of the body. The Lungs are what controls our defensive qi or wei qi as well as the smooth muscles of the body and the pores. Lung qi is very important in maintaining a strong immune system. This is directly tied to the breath.
The next component of qigong is the posture. And various forms have been developed to strengthen our organ systems. Such as standing being good for the Kidneys, walking being good for the Liver, sitting being good for the Spleen, lying down good for the Lungs. The corollary to that is excessive sitting damages the Spleen, excessive walking damages the Liver, excessive standing damages the Kidneys and excessive lying down will damage the Lungs.
Medical qigong is designed to support or tonify individual organs or meridian paths. They aid in either tonifying deficient organs or dispersing excess organs. Most of the tonifying or dispersing is accomplished through the breath. Holding standing qigong postures help strengthen the leg muscles and will over time increase the muscle mass. This in turn will require the body to increase the bone density of the femur which results in increased bone marrow and a stronger immune system.
The last component is the intention. Qi follows the mind. They say that qi is the commander of blood and blood is the mother of qi. As your qigong practice deepens, the mind and intention get stronger each day. And the body will automatically direst your Qi to the areas needing the energy.
I think it's pretty amazing that our minds and intention can summon and direct energy or qi. Qi is Universally abundant, and qigong is training on how to gather, build and store qi for our personal healing and the healing of others.
As we heal those around us heal.
All illness is energetic with physical manifestations.
Thank you for taking your time to read this post. My intention is to offer my energetic healing abilities for anyone who is ready and open to unlimited possibilities for health and happiness.
Respectfully yours,
Will Scott
Channel Practitioner
Longevity and Self-Cultivation Coach/Teacher/Shaman