Suffering from terminal uniqueness happens to most of us, me included. I spent a majority of my life trying to blame others for my demise in this life. It usually happened when I was sad or angry about not getting what I wanted or the one I loved or the job I deserved.... And to top it all off, I did everything I was supposed to as far as societal norms go. I attended school, graduated with good grades, pursued a college degree, got married and had a family, divorced, got married, divorced.... all the normal events some of us experience in this lifetime.
It wasn't until I was introduced to the art and philosophy of acupuncture, Classical Chinese Medicine, and the Taoist beliefs of self-cultivation and longevity practices; when I heard that the Taoist believe that at the moment of conception, the spirit and energy of your parents, combine with the energy of the Universe/Cosmos and your spirit. Prior to the gathering, your spirit or reincarnate made a choice to select the parents who are to introduce you into this incarnation and this blueprint or life's curriculum. We choose our parents based on what our lessons in this lifetime will be. Our chosen family is there to help us fulfill our life's lesson/curriculum. The parents you choose are directly responsible to impart some of their Jing and essence into our spirit. All of these gifts are what aids in creating our uniqueness within the collective consciousness of the universe. And your original blueprint that we signed up for is initially crafted and molded by the parents and family we chose to be born into.
When I heard this statement and belief, I started to realize how much time and energy was spent on blaming my family and parents for my struggles in life. Knowing that I picked them from the beginning, put all the onus on me and I really could no longer blame anyone for my life choices. And that I am no different than the person sitting next to me in whatever circle I happen to be sitting in.
An old Chinese saying states "that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear". I don't know how many times and in how many ways my teachers have appeared in my life. I now ask my teachers/master's to assist in my diagnostic skills and treatments and to hold the sacred healing space where all things are possible. I do welcome and expect miracles as I practice this medicine in my clinic every day. Because no one should die of the thought of being unique.
My biggest fear is my truth!
All the thoughts in the world list:
I can't do it!
I'm not good enough.
I can't find X.
I wish I had X.
I wish I didn't have X.
There's not enough time.
I'm too old.
I'm too young.
I don't care.
I'll do this anyway.
I will not do this.
I deserve X.
I don't deserve X
I never have enough.
I don't have enough money.
X should not die.
I should not die.
I have a right to X.
I don't have a right to X.
I shouldn't X.
I should X.
It's my fault.
It's not my fault.
He/She/or They shouldn't have X.
Stop doing X.
They should be doing X.
This is better than that.
That's wrong.
That's false.
I wish my body were more X.
I wish my body were less X.
I'm too different.
It's not fair.
This should have happened.
This should not have happened.
This should be happening.
This should not be happening.
The only true statement is: This is What's Happening Now. What is happening Now is what is Happening Now. And the Truth Doesn't Have to Be Argued.
All illness is energetic with physical manifestations!
The mind leads the body.
When you change the mind, the body will follow.
The difference between a belief and a thought is a decision of the conscious mind.
Everything in the future extends from now.
We are the awareness of the thought; we are not our body and thoughts.
We Are Energy.
All Disease is Rooted in the Emotions.
As a Channel Practitioner and keeper of knowledge of an amazing oral tradition, I am always grateful for any opportunity for healing and growth to help raise the collective consciousness through my practice. Thank you for taking the time to read the post.
Respectfully yours,
Will Scott
Channel Practitioner
Longevity and Self-Cultivation Coach/Teacher/Shaman